Under his tenure, he created a number of public faculties in Massachusetts and reformed public schools so much that other states adopted Mann’s concepts. Horace Mann invented school and what is at present the United States’ modern college system.

Violence in schools is a rising concern and bullying is a key contributor. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, over 20{2e2de0feafb172047c6669f0195b764695caac3c922700a06d08f8f4dff4780c} of students in grades 6 through 12 have been bullied either at school or on their way to/from college. This figure is actually down from 32{2e2de0feafb172047c6669f0195b764695caac3c922700a06d08f8f4dff4780c} in 2007 but continues to be much too high. The problem with …